Printer missing from PitneyShip, PitneyShip Pro, or PitneyShip Enterprise

If your printer is not listed in PitneyShip, PitneyShip Pro, or PitneyShip Enterprise, follow these steps.
Products affected: PitneyShip®, PitneyShip® Pro, PitneyShip® Enterprise


Your printer is not listed in PitneyShip, PitneyShip Pro, or PitneyShip Enterprise.


Solution 1: Make sure that DeviceHub is installed

To install DeviceHub, see:

Solution 2: Verify that DeviceHub is running

There should be a DeviceHub icon in the Windows system tray (small icons near the clock) or Mac OS menu bar to show that it is running.
[[[Undefined variable SendPro-SaaS-Variables.ProductName - DeviceHub]]] icon

If this icon is missing, find DeviceHub in your programs list and restart it.

Once the DeviceHub icon appears, hover your mouse over the icon to see the connection status and wait until it shows an Online status.

Solution 3: Make sure DeviceHub is updated

  1. Check for DeviceHub updates. See Updating DeviceHub in PitneyShip, PitneyShip Pro, or PitneyShip Enterprise .
  2. Once updated, try printing again.

Solution 4: Reconnect DeviceHub

  1. Find the DeviceHub icon in Windows system tray (small icons near the clock) or Mac OS menu bar.
  2. Right-click on the DeviceHub icon and choose Reconnect.
    DeviceHub icon
  3. Once the DeviceHub icon appears, hover your mouse over the icon to see the connection status and wait until it shows an Online status.

Solution 5: Activate DeviceHub

  1. Select Settings > My Devices.
  2. Select Activate DeviceHub.
  3. Click the Activate button again in the pop-up window.
  4. If successful, a new browser tab window will open with a "DeviceHub registered successfully!" message.
  5. Close the new browser tab and select Settings > My Devices again.
  6. If your printers are still not displayed, click the Refresh button on the My Devices page.

Solution 6: Make sure that your printer is installed, connected, and online

  1. In PitneyShip, PitneyShip Pro, or PitneyShip Enterprise, go to Settings > My Devices.
  2. Verify that your printer shows an Online or Idle status.
  3. If the printer is still not listed, or printer status is Offline or Other, check the following:
    1. Make sure that the printer is installed on the computer. If it is not, visit the manufacturer's website to download and install the latest print driver.
      • In Windows, go to Settings > Devices > Printers and make sure that your printer is present and online.
      • On Mac, go to Apple menu > System Settings > Printers & Scanners and make sure that your printer is present and online.
    2. Verify that the printer is turned on and awake.
    3. Verify that the printer is correctly connected to the computer.

UPDATED: May 01, 2024