Cost Center file import specifications for SendPro Enterprise

Learn about the Cost Center file import specifications for SendPro Enterprise and get sample import files.
Products affected: SendPro® Enterprise

SendPro Enterprise supports single-level cost centers (no parent-child relationships). Cost centers cannot be deleted. Cost Center availability is controlled by the Active field.

For a sample cost center import file, see CostCenterCodesExample.csv in the file

Column NameTypeRequired/Notes
ParentCostCenterIDintOptional. If used, then this must be the ID of any existing cost centers that are in the database.
AccountIDintOptional. If used, then this must be the ID of any existing accounts in the database.
ActiveboolRequired. 1 or 0
AccountNumberstring(100)Optional. If used, then this must be the account number of any existing accounts in the database. In case of duplicate accounts, the first one is used.
ParentCostCenterCodestring(250)Optional. If used, then this must be either the code of a cost center that already exists in the database OR a cost center code that forms part of the import. If part of the import, then it must be imported before any referring row (so place parent cost centers at the top of your import).
ParentCostCenterIDintOptional. If used, then this must be the ID of any existing cost centers that are in the database.

UPDATED: June 04, 2021