Canceling a UPS or FedEx label on the SendPro Tablet

Learn how to cancel (void) a UPS or FedEx label on the SendPro Tablet.
Products affected: SendPro® Tablet

You can cancel (void) a UPS or FedEx label so the postage is not applied to your UPS or FedEx invoice.

  1. From the home screen, tap SendPro Shipping.
  2. Tap History in the menu at the top.
  3. Your trackable labels are listed by date, with the most recent date first. The Date column corresponds to the date you created the label.
  4. Locate your label in the list. Use the All Shipments and Date menus at the top to filter the list if needed.
  5. Tap the shipment you wish to cancel.
  6. Tap the Void Label button.
  7. When prompted to confirm you will not be using the label, check the box, then tap Continue.

UPDATED: August 14, 2021