Mail on time and pay later for mail house postage.

Now you can simplify direct mail. With a Pitney Bowes® EasyPermitPostage® account, you can eliminate the run-around and pay for postage when it's convenient to you-long after your mail goes out. Manage and pay for multiple mailings through a single account that offers consolidated reporting and money-saving rewards.

Mail on time. Avoid the typical check-writing hassles. This secure, web-based service gives you total control over your postage funds.

Enjoy greater flexibility. Pay when and how it's most convenient. Simply mail now and pay later after you get a bill, and hold onto your funds longer.

Track and manage every detail all in one place. You'll spend less time reconciling postage. A dynamic, online system consolidates expenses across multiple mailings and multiple vendors into one, easy-to-read report.

Earn postage credits, too. Save time and money. These convenient payment solutions reward your loyalty with added-value benefits including postage credits, gift cards and merchandise.

It's easy to enroll. Just complete the EasyPermitPostage® Enrollment Form and fax it to Mark Petiprin at 203-617-6597.

Get started today.
Call Mark Petiprin , Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services
at 203-922-4039 to learn more.