In Support, we are continuously innovating to ensure you are getting a world-class level of service. We take your feedback seriously and we use your comments to ensure we are delivering the best support experience possible. Thanks for taking the time to provide us with your thoughts – your suggestions help us build a support model that revolves around you.

Software Support Improvements in 2012

Expanded Support Team
From Melbourne to Manchester to Maine - when you need help, we will be there. We have aligned and invested in our support staff around the globe to ensure you have the ability to speak with someone who can assist quickly with relevant support information.

Deeper Product Knowledge
We are actively training our representatives to acquire deeper knowledge of your business and how our solutions enable your success within your business process. In order to serve you better, we are working hard to have the best trained, most knowledge staff available to assist when you need help.

Managed Service Offerings
We now offer a wide range of Managed Service offerings, including our new ServiceSTAR package that provides scalable support to meet your individual needs. These new offerings deliver a higher level of proactive support that ensures you reach maximum value within your business.

Expanded 24x7 Support Capabilities
We know how important our solutions are to your business needs. We want to ensure we offer assistance when you need it, so we have expanded our 24x7 Value-Add Service for more of our products and in more geographies than ever before. If you are interested in purchasing a 24x7 contract, please speak with your Sales representative who can provide you with more information.

Process Efficiencies
We know how valuable a fast resolution is for you. We are continuously evaluating our case handling methods to remove roadblocks to quicker resolution.